Howdy there, peeps! How are things going? Hope it's on the smooth sailing side...
As usual, come weekends, it's home cooked stuff for breakfast and if we can manage, lunch and dinner as well... This entry is inspired by the pancakes we made! Brought to you by your official reporter, me; sponsored by the ingrediants used namely ''blue key's'' pancake floor.
Rite... 'static cooking' or the usual stereotype's would turn into a bore after sometime due to the absence of INOVATION and CREATIVTY. So, that's what i did to those pancakes - EXPERIMENTS!!! Brace yourselves and let's take a look at the end results, shall we? He..he...
For starters, what do you think, this resembles? Doesn't it resemble a buble-talk? Don't believe me, here's proof!
Moving on...
A 'cacat-ed' turtle
Mickey mouse's ears? don't go getting wrong n yucky idea's in your head! This can either be a cucumber or erm.. an eel? A wormy?
Hmm... the sun with the asteroids around it? An amoeba in the midst of lord knows what?
"Gimme some clothes man..." says the naked chicken.
After much consideration and discussion, the chicken is found guilty!
Does this like a jellyfish or an octopus? It could also be an alien's baby.. Yikes!!
So, wadya think of this experiment? How would you rate it? Average... or excellent? Do you think it was a successful one? Do let me know your thoughts...